ReadPradelli L, Iannazzo S, Zaniolo O. The Cost Effectiveness and Cost Utility of Valsartan in Chronic Heart Failure Therapy in Italy: A Probabilistic Markov Model. Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2009; 9: 383-392 ReadSacchi V, Pradelli L. Effectiveness and cost of treatment with maraviroc in HIV infection. Farmeconomia e percorsi terapeutici 2009; 10(4): 149-159 ReadZaniolo O. Dabigatran in the prevention of venous thromboembolism after major orthopedic surgery. Farmeconomia e percorsi...
Valutazione delle strategie di gestione dei pazienti in terapia con anticoagulanti orali. Feder-AIPA congress, Rome, Italy, 12th June, 2009 ...
Eandi M, Pradelli L, Iannazzo S. Alanyl-Glutamine Dipeptide (Dipeptiven®) in Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) Therapy in Critically Ill Italian Patients: a Pharmacoeconomic Simulation Model. ISPOR 12th Annual European Congress, Paris, France, 24-27 October, 2009 Iannazzo S, Pradelli L, Perachino M. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Hormonal Therapies in Patients With Advanced Prostate Cancer in Italy. ISPOR 12th Annual European Congress, Paris, France, 24-27 October, 2009 Iannazzo S, Sacchi V. A Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of...