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Pradelli L, Bellone M, Zaniolo O. Development of MS Budget Manager: a Practical Tool to Assist Alternative Stakeholders at Multiple Decision Levels in the Forecast and Financial Management for Multiple Sclerosis (MS). ISPOR 18th Annual European Congress, Milan, Italy, 7-11 November, 2015 Pradelli L, Bellone M, Era S, Campagnoli E. Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Neo-Adjuvant Pertuzumab Therapy in Women With Locally Advanced, Inflammatory, or Early Her2-Positive Breast Cancer in Italy....


ReadPovero M, Pradelli L. Comparison between traditional and goal directed perfusion in cardiopulmonary by-pass. Adaptation of a differential cost analysis Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2015;16(S1):3-16. ReadPovero M, Pradelli L. Comparison between traditional and goal directed perfusion in cardiopulmonary by-pass. A differential cost analysis in US. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2015;16(3):77-86. ReadWu GH, Gao J, Ji CY, Pradelli L, Xi QL, Zhuang QL. Cost and effectiveness of omega-3...


ReadPradelli L, Calandriello M, Di Virgilio R, Bellone M, Tubaro M. Comparative pharmaco-economic assessment of apixaban versus standard of care for the prevention of stroke in Italian atrial fibrillation patients. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2014; 15(Suppl 1): 15-25 ReadPradelli L, Calandriello M, Di Virgilio R, Bellone M, Tubaro M. Budget impact analysis of apixaban versus other NOACs for the prevention of stroke in Italian atrial fibrillation patients....


Goal Directed Perfusion (GDP): un’analisi dei costi differenziali in Italia. 7° Congresso Nazionale sihta, Rome, Italy, 25-27 September, 2014 What Are the Indicators of Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Utility? ESPEN 36th Congress on Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism, Geneve, Switzerland, 6-9 September, 2014 Il giallo dell’autosufficienza. 10° Convention dei Centri Regionali del Sangue (CRS), Senigallia (AN), Italy, 12-14 June 2014 Pharmacoeconomics of Omega-3 Containing PN in ICU Patients. 42th Congress Hungarian Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Society...


Zaniolo O, Povero M, Pradelli L, Pizzorno B, Mancini N. An Observational Propensity Score-Matched Study to Evaluate Cost-Effectiveness of a Real-Time PCR-Based Assay in Patients With Suspected Sepsis. ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-12 November, 2014 Hashim MS, Povero M, Aliano A, Pradelli L. Economic Evaluation of Home Parenteral Nutriton in Cancer Patients; the French Context ISPOR 17th Annual European Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 8-12 November,...


Povero M, Pradelli L, Bonadiman L, Dal Negro RW. Cost and Cost-effectiveness Analyses for Moderate and Severe COPD Patients Treated Uniquely With Tiotropium 18 mcg OD for Twenty-Four Months. ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, November, 2013 Povero M, Pitrelli A, Pradelli L. How Much Does Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Cost? A Budget Impact Analysis on Italian Patients Treated With 5alpha-Reductase Inhibitors. ISPOR 16th Annual European Congress, Dublin, Ireland,...


ReadPaggiaro P, Patel S, Nicolini G, Pradelli L, Zaniolo O, Papi A. Stepping down from high dose fluticasone/salmeterol to extrafine BDP/F in asthma is cost-effective. Respir Med 2013; 107(10): 1531-7 ReadBellone M, Sbarra P. A cost-minimization analysis of combination therapy in hypertension: fixed-dose vs extemporary combinations. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2013; 14(4): 153-160 ReadZaniolo O, Povero M. ISPOR 2013: what’s new and what’s old? Farmeconomia. Health economics...


Farmacoeconomia dei nutraceutici. XVI Congresso Nazionale SINPE, Ancona, Italy, 28-30 November, 2013 Sostituzione concomitante della valvola aortica con valvola sutureless: un’analisi di costo efficacia. 6° Congresso Nazionale sihta, Bari, Italy, 7-9 November, 2013 ...


Hu SL, Pradelli L, Luo L, Liu F, Kulkarni H, Dai Y. A Discrete Event Simulation Model Used for Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation of Omegaven® in the Chinese Setting. ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, Berlin, Germany, November, 2012 Zaniolo O, Povero M, Pradelli L. Budget Impact of Backbone Choice in Italian Treatment- Naive, HIV-Infected Patients. ISPOR 15th Annual European Congress, Berlin, Germany, November, 2012 Pradelli L, Eandi M, Povero M, Mayer...


ReadPradelli L, Mayer K, Muscaritoli M, Heller AR. n-3 fatty acid-enriched parenteral nutrition regimens in elective surgical and ICU patients: a meta-analysis. Crit Care 2012; 16(5): R184 ReadDal Negro RW, Tognella S, Pradelli L. A 36-month study on the cost/utility of add-on omalizumab in persistent difficult-to-treat atopic asthma in Italy. J Asthma 2012; 49(8): 843-8 ReadPradelli L, Zaniolo O. Perceval Sutureless valves in isolated and concomitant AVR procedures: an...