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Read Zaniolo O, Ghetti G, Povero M, Pradelli L. Effectiveness of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Schizophrenia: A Literature Review and Bayesian Meta-Analysis Informing Economic Considerations. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2019; 20(1): 13-24 ...


Read Povero M, Miceli A, Pradelli L, Ferrarini M, Pinciroli M, Glauber M. Cost-utility of surgical sutureless bioprostheses vs TAVI in aortic valve replacement for patients at intermediate and high surgical risk. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res 2018 Nov 8;10:733-745 Read Correia MITD, Perman MI, Pradelli L, Omaralsaleh AJ, Waitzberg DL. Economic burden of hospital malnutrition and the cost-benefit of supplemental parenteral nutrition in critically ill patients in Latin America....


ReadPradelli L, Povero M, Bürkle H, Kampmeier TG, Della-Rocca G, Feuersenger A, Baron JF, Westphal M. Propofol or benzodiazepines for short- and long-term sedation in intensive care units? An economic evaluation based on meta-analytic results. Clinicoecon Outcomes Res. 2017 Nov 9;9:685-698 ReadFeng Y, Li C, Zhang T, Pradelli L. Parenteral nutrition including an omega-3 fatty-acid-containing lipid emulsion for intensive care patients in China: a pharmacoeconomic analysis. Clinicoecon Outcomes...


ReadBellone M, Di Virgilio R, Di Rienzo P. Budget impact analysis of apixaban to treat and prevent venous thromboembolism in Italy. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2016; 17(3): 127-136 ReadPradelli L, Ascierto P. Valutazione clinica ed economica dell’introduzione sul mercato italiano della combinazione trametinib + dabrafenib nel trattamento del melanoma in stadio avanzato. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2016; 17(Suppl 3): 1-32 ReadDal Negro W, Povero M....


ReadPovero M, Pradelli L. Comparison between traditional and goal directed perfusion in cardiopulmonary by-pass. Adaptation of a differential cost analysis Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2015;16(S1):3-16. ReadPovero M, Pradelli L. Comparison between traditional and goal directed perfusion in cardiopulmonary by-pass. A differential cost analysis in US. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2015;16(3):77-86. ReadWu GH, Gao J, Ji CY, Pradelli L, Xi QL, Zhuang QL. Cost and effectiveness of omega-3...


ReadPradelli L, Calandriello M, Di Virgilio R, Bellone M, Tubaro M. Comparative pharmaco-economic assessment of apixaban versus standard of care for the prevention of stroke in Italian atrial fibrillation patients. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2014; 15(Suppl 1): 15-25 ReadPradelli L, Calandriello M, Di Virgilio R, Bellone M, Tubaro M. Budget impact analysis of apixaban versus other NOACs for the prevention of stroke in Italian atrial fibrillation patients....


ReadPaggiaro P, Patel S, Nicolini G, Pradelli L, Zaniolo O, Papi A. Stepping down from high dose fluticasone/salmeterol to extrafine BDP/F in asthma is cost-effective. Respir Med 2013; 107(10): 1531-7 ReadBellone M, Sbarra P. A cost-minimization analysis of combination therapy in hypertension: fixed-dose vs extemporary combinations. Farmeconomia. Health economics and therapeutic pathways 2013; 14(4): 153-160 ReadZaniolo O, Povero M. ISPOR 2013: what’s new and what’s old? Farmeconomia. Health economics...


ReadPradelli L, Mayer K, Muscaritoli M, Heller AR. n-3 fatty acid-enriched parenteral nutrition regimens in elective surgical and ICU patients: a meta-analysis. Crit Care 2012; 16(5): R184 ReadDal Negro RW, Tognella S, Pradelli L. A 36-month study on the cost/utility of add-on omalizumab in persistent difficult-to-treat atopic asthma in Italy. J Asthma 2012; 49(8): 843-8 ReadPradelli L, Zaniolo O. Perceval Sutureless valves in isolated and concomitant AVR procedures: an...


ReadSacchi V. Gefitinib: a pharmacoeconomic profile of its use in patients with Non Small Cell Lung Cancer EGFR+. Farmeconomia e percorsi terapeutici 2011; 12(2): 77-85 ReadZaniolo O, Iannazzo S, Patrucco GP, Bellini R. Cost-effectiveness evaluations of spinal neuromodulation with ziconotide continuous infusion in cancer pain in a real clinical practice. Farmeconomia e percorsi terapeutici 2011; 12(2): 87-94 ReadZaniolo O, Carsi M, Iannazzo S. Tiotropium bromide in the routine care...


ReadCapri S, Benucci M, Iannazzo S, Zaniolo O, D’Arpino A. Un modello di Budget Impact per la valutazione economica di tocilizumab come prima linea biologica nei pazienti con artrite reumatoide di grado moderato o severo. Italian Journal of Public Health – Year 8, Volume 7, Number 2, Suppl 2, 2010: S44-53 ReadEandi M, Pradelli L, Iannazzo S, Chiroli S, Pontoriero G. Economic evaluation of cinacalcet in the treatment of...